Photo Of A Young Woman With Under Eye Mask For Blog Post About Bellevue PRP Injections

Bellevue PRP Injections: How Do They Work?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Injections of platelet rich plasma have been used for decades for a variety of purposes. In the beginning, they were used for therapeutic purposes to treat injuries and arthritis. These treatments increased the body’s healing response, collagen formation, and other factors that could speed up the healing process and lead to less pain. In more recent years, platelet rich plasma injections have become a staple in cosmetic and plastic surgery.

Surgeons–both general and cosmetic–used PRP on incisions to ease and speed healing. Eventually, plastic surgeons and injectors began using PRP in innovative ways that allows PRP In Seattle to offer cutting edge Bellevue PRP injections servicing the Seattle, Kirkland, and Bellevue areas.

PRP for tear troughs is an alternative to dermal fillers under the eyes. Many prefer this treatment because PRP comes directly from your body and over time it can build enough collagen. In ideal cases, this can mean that patients can discontinue injections and enjoy long term results.

At PRP In Seattle we also utilize PRP injections for the revolutionary non-surgical BBL that uses PRP in the formula. Platelet rich plasma boosts the effectiveness of a typical non-surgical Brazilian butt lift can stimulate collagen production even weeks following the procedure. Bellevue PRP injections can achieve many cosmetic goals. 

To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at 206-279-2112 or contact us online.

Photo For A Blog Post About The Zombie Laser Peel And How It Works

The Zombie Laser Peel: How Our PRP Laser Peel Works

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Laser resurfacing and chemical peels are two of the most popular professional skincare procedures. Combined with platelet rich plasma, these procedures are supercharged. At PRP In Seattle, our proprietary zombie laser peel combines all the benefits of these treatments into one. 

When you come in for a zombie laser peel, your Seattle master esthetician will prepare the PRP and prep your skin for the peel. They will create the peel and apply it to the skin. Once fully applied, they will use a laser to slowly remove the skin peel. This leaves your skin feeling rejuvenated and holds many benefits. 

Using targeted laser beams, the laser latches onto the pigment in the peel and powerfully resurfaces the skin as it removes the peel. The facial peel itself, like with a traditional chemical peel, works to reveal a fresh layer of skin and provide nourishment to your face. When the laser hits this new skin, it creates skin that looks healthier and more youthful. 

The combined efforts of PRP, chemical peels, and laser technology come together to offer a unique skincare treatment in Seattle. To schedule a consultation with a master esthetician at PRP in Seattle, call us at 206-279-2112 or contact us online.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Non-Surgical BBL Options

Bellevue Non-Surgical BBL Options

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

A non-surgical Brazilian butt lift can be achieved using a variety of options we utilize at PRP In Seattle. Dr. Sajan or Dr. Jonov perform a non-surgical BBL using a series of injections into the buttocks. The difference is what makes up the injections. 

At PRP In Seattle, we offer many non-surgical Brazilian butt lift options in Seattle. Our plastic surgeons often utilize dermal filler Sculptra, PRP, ACell, donated fat, and donated placenta cells. You can choose any of these options individually or combine them. Each option has unique benefits. 

PRP, which can also aid during surgical BBLs, promotes the healing process in your body. This stimulates collagen growth which can naturally augment the backside. This is a popular choice to add to Sculptra, a filler that acts much in the same way. 

ACell comes from pig bladders and can act like fat in the body. It also stimulates the body’s healing response. Along with this, ACell can help donated fat and placenta settle well in the buttocks.  

Donated fat and placenta can act as your own fat, augmenting the butt naturally. When you combine these methods with PRP or ACell, you have the best chance long lasting results from your non-surgical Brazilian butt lift. During a consultation, your Seattle plastic surgeon can help you discover the best non-surgical BBL options for you.

To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at 206-279-2112 or contact us online.

Photo For Blog Post About Creating PRP

The Process Of Creating PRP

By | Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma, or PRP, exists naturally in our bodies. However, it is one of hundreds of components that make up our blood. Therefore, a specialized process must be performed to isolate PRP for procedures like PRP hair restoration and microneedling with PRP

The first step in creating PRP is drawing your blood. Once drawn, your provider will place the blood into our state-of-the-art centrifuge. This will spin the blood at a consistent speed for around twenty minutes. This separates out the different cells and particles of the blood, allowing the yellowish PRP to rise to the top of the vial. This is the standard for creating PRP.

At this point, your provider will extract the PRP from the vial and mix it with ACell, placenta, or use PRP on it’s own for your chosen treatment. The great thing about platelet rich plasma is that to isolate it requires no foreign substances or additives, which makes it safe and low risk to inject into the body.

Platelet rich plasma is a natural, regenerative substance used for a variety of medical and cosmetic benefits. This includes hair restoration to combat hair thinning, skincare procedures like microneedling, and even non-surgical Brazilian butt lifts. PRP is also sometimes used in surgery to aid in the healing of tissues and incisions. Other medical uses of PRP include treatment of arthritis, torn tendons and ligaments, and other muscle and joint injuries.

To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at 206-279-2112 or contact us online.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Microneedling With PRP For Treating Scars

Microneedling With PRP For Treating Scars

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Surgical scars and acne scarring are notoriously hard to treat and completely diminish. Luckily, with the newest in regenerative medicine and technology, microneedling with PRP for treating scars can reduce the appearance of surgical and acne scars. 

When it comes to surgical scars, microneedling supercharged with platelet rich plasma, PRP, can improve the texture of the scar and smooth the skin surrounding it. While only time can completely fade surgical scars, when you undergo microneedling with PRP for scar reduction you can significantly improve the look and feel of your surgical scar. Often, you can use microneedling with PRP with other scar treatment methods and creams for the best results.

Microneedling with PRP is one of the foremost and most effective esthetic treatments for atrophic acne scarring. Since microneedling (aka collagen induction therapy) stimulates your body to create collagen it can help fill in depressed acne scars. PRP enhances this process and induces your body to continue creating collagen for weeks following treatment. Again, when combined with other skin resurfacing and esthetic procedures like chemical peels and laser treatments, you can garner the best results. 

Microneedling with PRP has relatively few side effects and almost no recovery time. This same process can treat the appearance of stretch marks. To schedule a consultation microneedling with PRP for treating scars at PRP In Seattle, call us at (206) 279-2112 or contact us online.

Blog Post Photo For Post About Causes Of Hair Loss

Causes Of Hair Loss & What PRP Hair Restoration Can Treat

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair loss is often associated with aging or illness. While these are two reasons hair falls out, there are many other causes of hair loss. Luckily, with the many PRP hair restoration options, many causes of hair loss can be treated with non-surgical methods. 

As mentioned above, age is frequently associated with hair loss, especially in men, known as male pattern baldness. Age is the leading cause of lost and thinning hair.. In these cases, a person will experience slowly thinning hair, sometimes beginning in their early 20s. Most of the time, PRP hair restoration is a great way to discourage thinning hair and keep hair longer. You must start treatments before completely bald because the treatment becomes ineffective once hair follicles become fully inactive aka baldness.

Genetics also play a role in hair loss. For those predisposed to lose their hair, they may start younger than others. If caught early, PRP hair restoration can reduce the amount of hair loss seen. 

Other causes of hair loss include medical conditions and hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, certain medications and treatments, stress, and even some hairstyles. Normally, once these conditions or situations are addressed, the hair will begin to come back (although likely different from before). PRP hair restoration may supplement this process or treat bald or thinning spots. 

To schedule a consultation at PRP in Seattle, call us (206) 279-2112 or contact us online. 

Blog Post For Filler vs. PRP For Tear Troughs

Filler vs. PRP For Tear Troughs

By | PRP Injections

The tear troughs are a famously tricky area to fill. Certain dermal fillers like Sculptra and Radiesse are not suitable for under the eyes. Traditionally, dermal fillers like Juvederm and Restylane provide volume to the area to correct the look of under eye bags, darkness, and hollowness. More recently, platelet rich plasma has begun to replace and enhance tear trough filler. Filler vs. PRP for tear troughs can be a difficult decision when trying to decide on the option best for you.

In the tear troughs, certain fillers can eventually look lumpy or migrate. While a risk with all fillers, the skin of the tear troughs can sometimes show it more than other filler areas. PRP can stimulate collagen to thicken and brighten the appearance of the skin, which can supplement dermal filler injections. 

PRP can also be injected on its own. It acts like a filler, except that it promotes collagen which can naturally volumize the area and lead to more permanent results. While it often takes multiple injections to see these results, once patients reach their desired results they no longer need regular injection appointments and may only require a few touch ups to maintain their results. Unlike dermal fillers that need refreshed every few months.

Since PRP comes from the patient’s blood, it does require more time and a blood draw to perform. This makes it a slightly more invasive procedure than fillers, but it can provide longer lasting results for the tear troughs. To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at (206) 279-2112 or contact us online.

Blog post photo for collagen production PRP skin care

Collagen: What It Does For Your Skin & How PRP Stimulates It

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections, PRP Skin Care

When doing research on skincare products and procedures, you’ve probably heard of collagen. But, what exactly is it and what does it do? Collagen is a vital protein in mammals that is found in most of our connective tissues. As we age, our body naturally produces less collagen. This contributes to the visible signs of aging like facial hollows and wrinkles, but also to the physical signs like joint pain. 

In professional skin care treatments, they often create small abrasions or injuries that tell your body to heal them. This causes your body to ramp up collagen production. This can treat and correct many skin concerns like acne scarring, sun damage, texture issues, and uneven pigmentation. 

Esthetic services like microneedling, manually stimulate collagen growth. However, because platelets are one of the first responders to an injury site, adding platelet rich plasma can ramp up this process. Your body will often respond quicker and with more fervor when PRP is added. This can lead to more collagen production and can increase the length of time your body produces it.

Additionally, when used as a filler, PRP can begin collagen production in the injected area. This can lead to longer lasting results than dermal fillers. 

Schedule a consultation with a PRP provider at PRP in Seattle to learn how it can help rejuvenate your look, call us at (206) 279-2112 or contact us online.  

Picture for blog post about PRP with ACell Hair Restoration in Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland

PRP With ACell: How They Work Together

By | Hair Restoration

During some hair restoration techniques, platelet rich plasma is combined with ACell. PRP comes from the patient’s blood on the day of treatment. ACell is a type of stem cell derived from pig bladders. When injected into the scalp, these two regenerative tools can provide visible results and hair growth. 

Platelet rich plasma acts as fertilizer for your hair follicles. When injected, it tells your body that there has been an injury. Your body then sends defenses such as white blood cells and proteins to heal the microscopic injury. Additionally, PRP itself contains growth factors and hormones that support hair growth. This can help heal damaged hair follicles and promote the growth of new hair in the treatment area.

ACell provides the topsoil for your new hair. When your scalp has damaged (but not inactive) hair follicles, skin issues, or your hair loss is more extensive, ACell can bond with your existing skin to provide a new, nutrient-rich environment that can better support hair.

When you choose to combine PRP and ACell during your hair restoration treatment, you receive the most advanced injectable hair restoration procedure available. To schedule your consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at (206) 279-2112 or contact us online. 

PRP In Seattle, Bellevue, and Kirkland

The Origins Of Platelet Rich Plasma

By | Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma, also known as PRP, first came to the forefront of medical advancements in the 1970s. Hematologists used the term to refer to plasma that was more platelet rich than average blood. Originally, doctors and scientists used PRP to treat thrombocytopenia, a condition that causes low platelet counts.

PRP is derived from human blood. In most PRP treatments, the patient’s blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge which isolates the platelets from red blood cells and other components. This plasma is rich in platelets and speeds up the healing processes in the body. 

As scientists continued studying PRP, more medical and therapeutic applications were found. PRP injections were used in sports medicine to speed up the healing of injured muscles, especially by athletes who desired a speedy recovery.

When it comes to the cosmetic field, PRP is used for skin rejuvenation, hair restoration, to promote collagen production, and as an augmentation tool. At PRP in Seattle, our platelet rich plasma specialists work to meet your cosmetic goals using the powerful regenerative properties of PRP. 

To schedule a consultation at PRP in Seattle, call us at 206-324-1120 or contact us online.