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Can PRP Make Your Hair Worse?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Injections of platelet rich plasma are slowly becoming one of the most sought after hair restoration procedures. Though, many patients have questions about platelet rich plasma since many do not know much about it. Understandably, many have concerns as well. Let’s touch on a common one, “Can PRP make your hair worse?”

While it is possible for PRP injections to make hair worse, this is exceptionally unlikely and almost never heard of. It is more likely that they will have little to no effect. The injections, while they do perforate the skin, are no more invasive than any other needle prick you receive as part of a medical procedure. Therefore, this carries little risk of permanently damaging the scalp.

As mentioned, the most likely negative outcome is that PRP simply has no effect on hair regrowth. Though, studies have shown PRP to be at least as effective, if not more effective than already trusted hair growth agents like minoxidil. Your provider can discuss the specifics of PRP hair restoration during a consultation.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat and contact form.

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Is PRP Better Than Minoxidil?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

When it comes to non-surgical hair restoration options, one of the most well known is a medication known as minoxidil. Applied topically, it stimulates hair regrowth and can counteract pattern baldness. However, while minoxidil has been around for decades, PRP treatment for hair loss has only been commonly performed for about a decade. Is PRP better than minoxidil?

It depends on the person, extent of hair loss, and various other factors. For many people who have tried minoxidil and not found success, adding PRP injections or using them instead often will yield better results. Ultimately, our hair experts recommend trying multiple options to see what provides the best results.

While many people find great success with one method over the other, it is also possible to combine them. Combining PRP hair restoration and minoxidil treatment will often increase and positively influence the results of the other. It is not always necessary to use them together, however. Discuss what you have tried in the past and anything you currently use for hair restoration during your consultation appointment. 

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed For Hair Growth?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma is becoming one of the most sought after and effective non-surgical hair restoration methods available. PRP hair restoration involves injections of platelet rich plasma into the scalp to induce collagen production, healing, and ultimately hair regrowth. Rarely, patients see the results they want after one round of injections. How many PRP sessions are needed for hair growth?

On average, patients begin to see hair regrowth after their second or third session. This is because platelet rich plasma induces the body’s healing process. The healing process needs time to work, which is why it often takes so long to see the first results. Beyond that, patients tend to see more substantial results in four to six treatments.

The number of sessions necessary will vary from patient to patient. Some may see hair growth following the first session, while others may take more sessions to see results. It is also recommended that patients have yearly touch-up sessions. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Is PRP Anti-Inflammatory?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma

Anti-inflammatory is a term largely used to describe a medication or substance that reduces inflammation. This is the science behind why PRP injections were initially used to treat soft tissue and muscle injuries. Though, when you undergo PRP hair restoration or injections for cosmetic reasons, it may seem like PRP causes inflammation. Let’s explore why this happens by looking at the question, “Is PRP anti-inflammatory?”

As a whole, platelet rich plasma is considered anti-inflammatory because it aids in the healing process and reduces inflammation over time. However, when injected into an area without inflammation, it is likely to cause some mild inflammation. Inflammation is the first stage in the healing process. Platelet rich plasma helps speed up this process for faster healing.

In the body, platelet rich plasma is one of the first signals to the brain that healing needs to take place. The platelets will increase in the wounded area. Therefore, this leads to natural inflammation. Though, it is usually less pronounced than inflammation due to an injury.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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What Is The Maximum Age For PRP Hair Restoration?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma hair restoration is a non-surgical hair restoration method that needs to begin before hair loss reaches a critical point. Typically, the best time to start PRP hair restoration is when hair is beginning to thin. Therefore, some providers may discuss age limits on the procedure, or not want to treat patients above a certain age. What is the maximum age for PRP hair restoration? 

In technicality, there is no “maximum” age that one reaches where they are no longer a candidate for PRP hair restoration in Seattle. However, it is especially unlikely and uncommon for patients above 35 to undergo the treatment. While not impossible, most patients have passed the threshold of hair loss by that age where PRP hair restoration would simply not provide the ideal results.

The providers at PRP In Seattle have treated patients as young as their early twenties to their forties and beyond. A good rule to follow is if you have large areas of no hair (more than just patches of thinning) or are completely (or almost) bald, PRP hair restoration is likely not the right treatment for you. 

Ultimate, the best way to determine if you are a good candidate for PRP hair restoration is to schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle. Call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out online using our chat or contact form.

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What Is The Success Rate Of PRP Injections?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma injections have been used for decades in sports medicine, particularly to treat soft tissue injuries and pain. PRP injections have shown great success in slowing the rate of hair thinning and non-surgically restoring hair. Before undergoing PRP hair restoration, patients often want to know, “What is the success rate of PRP injections?”

Overall, the success rate of PRP injections depends on the patient, how extensive their hair loss, and biological factors. Usually, after two to three treatments, patients begin to see the rate of hair thinning slow and some hair regrowth. After the initial round of four to six treatments, PRP hair restoration requires at least one yearly touch-up treatment to maintain results. 

While there is no consensus on the exact success rate of PRP injections for hair restoration, it sits between 70-90% for the average patient. It tends to work better in younger patients beginning to experience the effects of genetic hair loss and thinning. However, your provider will discuss this with you. 

Factors that may reduce the effectiveness of PRP are if you smoke, if your hair loss is too far along, if you’re completely bald, or if the hair loss is due to another medical condition or medication. Success rates of other PRP injections are similar and tend to be in the 80 percentile.

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out to us online via our contact form or chat.

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Does PRP For Hair Really Work?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

When considering hair restoration options, patients want to try the ones they can feel confident will provide results. Since reasons for hair loss differ and every individual person responds differently to every treatment, it can be difficult to find the right hair restoration technique for you. When patients come to us with concerns about hair restoration, a frequent question we hear is, “Does PRP for hair really work?”

PRP hair restoration is a great method for restoring thinning hair and reversing the early stages of genetic hair loss. It can slow the hair loss process. Therefore, PRP for hair usually does work well in these situations. Occasion touch up treatments every year or so can continue to hinder hair loss as you grow older. 

For patients who have seen more rapid hair loss or who are at the more advanced stages of hair loss, PRP hair restoration may not be the most effective option. Sometimes, in cases where hair was lost due to medications or disease, PRP may help hair growth once resolved. Though, the hair usually will return regardless. Otherwise, for older patients or those with more extensive loss, your provider may recommend hair transplant surgery or other similar procedure.

PRP hair restoration can work well with other hair restoration treatments such as minoxidil. Your provider can discuss these options with you. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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How Fast Does Hair Grow After PRP?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Using platelet rich plasma injections for hair restoration is becoming one of the most popular and effective methods for restoring genetic hair loss. Men and women who experience hair loss often want to see the largest amount of hair regrowth in the shortest amount of time possible. During a PRP hair consultation in Seattle, one of the most frequent questions our providers hear is, “How fast does hair grow after PRP?”

The answer to this question will differ for every patient based on their biology, medical history, and treatment plan. Since PRP takes time to stimulate collagen and hair regrowth in the scalp, most patients will not see new hair until after their second or third session. Over the coming weeks and months, patients can expect to see more hair growth. 

For some patients who are also using hair growth medications in conjunction with their PRP treatments may see results faster. Some patients with certain medical conditions may also see that it takes longer for them to see the results they want. Usually, about nine months to one year after the initial treatment is when patients see a noticeable difference. 

During your consultation, your provider will explain what you can expect from PRP hair restoration in Seattle. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online using our contact form or chat.

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What You Should Avoid After PRP Hair Restoration

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Non-surgical hair restoration using platelet rich plasma does not require a full recovery like hair transplant surgery. However, patients do need to exercise some caution following PRP hair restoration injections to promote the best results. Here’s what you should avoid after PRP hair restoration.

First off, patients can usually return to work the same or the next day. You will want to limit your exercise and activity though because this can worsen swelling and bruising. Sweat getting into the injection sites can also cause infection. You should avoid these activities for at least two days post-treatment to keep yourself comfortable and prevent these side effects from occurring or worsening.

Secondly, immediately following treatment do not wet your hair or use any hair products. In most cases, it is safe to resume these activities after several hours, or the next morning. Your provider can discuss what is safe to use on your hair and scalp after PRP hair restoration in Seattle

Finally,  to promote the best results and healing, it is best to avoid alcohol and smoking in the days and weeks after treatment. Smoking, especially, hinders the healing process and it is best patients do not smoke during their entire PRP treatment regimen. Drinking is usually okay on occasion between treatments. 

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also contact us online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is The Best Hair Restoration Method?

What Is The Best Hair Restoration Method?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

With countless hair restoration options and techniques, when looking for the best one, it can become an overwhelming task. Ultimately, the best hair restoration largely depends on the type and extent of hair loss you have experienced. The hair restoration experts at PRP In Seattle can determine the right hair restoration method for you. 

First off, oral and topical medications may slow down the early process of hair loss or thinning. These options do often result in some hair restoration, but often require taking them constantly or in frequent bouts to keep results. They can supplement other hair restoration efforts. 

Secondly, non-surgical methods such as PRP hair restoration, laser options, and other less invasive techniques can often treat mild to moderate hair loss in men and women with the early signs of pattern baldness. Some of these may require multiple treatments or occasional refreshment, but they do offer a great option to slow hair loss. 

Finally, for men and women with more extensive hair loss, may be good candidates for hair transplant surgery. This surgery takes donor hair–usually from the back of the head–and transplants in the areas of loss. The surgery is typically extremely effective and can recover a good amount of hair lost. 

With that said, it is important to note that regardless of any procedure, genetics will continue to cause hair loss. Utilizing multiple techniques and consulting with a professional can slow and minimize genetic hair loss. 

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also connect with us online via our chat or contact form.