
Nano Fat Hair Restoration

Nano Fat Hair Restoration, Seattle

You’re facing hair loss. Don’t worry; you are not alone in your struggle with hair thinning, as millions of Americans face hair loss at some point in their lives. But finding a solution that’s natural and non-invasive? That’s a different story, leading many people down alternate routes with little success. 

Luckily, nano-fat hair restoration is an incredibly restorative process that uses natural resources to stimulate hair growth. At PRP in Seattle, providers can use nano-fat hair restoration to create beautiful, thick hair and fat hair loss. 

What Is Nano-Fat Hair Restoration?

Nano-fat hair restoration is a hair loss treatment that creates incredible results for those facing hair loss. It uses your own fat cells to reinvigorate the hair follicles and encourage hair growth. This innovative technique restores, strengthens, and thickens hair so you can feel confident and beautiful. 

Through an advanced process, the patient’s fat is filtered and reinjected into the scalp. This outstanding technique allows patients to see thicker, stronger, and healthier hair.

How Does Nano-Fat Hair Restoration Work?

Nano-fat hair restoration, Seattle, mimics the process of gardening but for the scalp. “Nano-fat” is made up of adipose-derived stem cell-conditioned fat found in certain layers of the tissue. First, nano-fat is extracted from other areas of the body, like the stomach, thighs, or buttocks. It must be extracted from a specific layer of fat where the stem cells are mixed in with the fat. The nano-fat is extracted through liposuction and then put through a series of filtration methods to create a purified stem cell injection. 

These stem cells are then injected into the scalp, creating the perfect stimulation for and encouraging hair growth in the follicles. Through this process, you can help your hair follicles and encourage strong, healthy, and thick hair.

Nano-Fat Vs. PRP Hair Restoration 

Nano-fat hair restoration, Seattle, is not the only hair regenerative injection on the market. PRP hair restoration is also an effective way to combat hair loss naturally. But what’s the difference? PRP injections draw from the platelet-rich plasma found in our red blood cells, while nano-fat injections comprise the stem cells found in our fat cells.  

Similar to Nano-fat, PRP injections are filtered and refined, then re-injected into the scalp, stimulating hair loss. However, PRP treatments take multiple sessions for a high success rate, while nano-fat injections often take a single session. Both injection treatments effectively treat hair loss for many patients, providing a natural solution.

Combining Nano-Fat With PRP Hair Restoration

We understand how daunting combining two separate treatments sounds. We all want a one-stop shop for hair loss, and nano-fat hair restoration can be the answer. But when used together, PRP and nano-fat hair restoration are highly successful. 

These treatments use your body’s natural healing properties to stimulate hair growth, making a dual treatment ideal for restoration.  

Potential Benefits Of Nano-Fat Hair Restoration

The benefits of nano-fat hair restoration are that Seattle is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that allows patients to use a more natural method of hair regeneration. The benefits of nano-fat hair restoration include the following: 

  • Non-invasive hair restoration 
  • Encourages healthy hair growth 
  • Creates stimulated hair follicles 
  • Quick and efficient treatment 
  • Uses your own fat cells to create hair growth 
  • Minimal discomfort 
  • Virtually no recovery 
  • Performed by the leading hair restoration providers in Seattle 

Nano-fat hair restoration helps those who want a more natural process that does not involve surgery or long recovery periods. 

Who Is A Candidate For Nano Fat Hair Restoration?

Anyone who is experiencing hair loss or hair thinning may benefit from nano hair restoration. Because of its stem cell properties and natural hair growth capabilities, it can be a great option for hair thinning. Candidates may include: 

  • Those suffering from hair loss 
  • Those struggling with severe hair thinning 
  • Anyone wanting to naturally grow their hair 
  • Anyone wanting to strengthen their hair 
  • Those who need to improve their hair density 
  • Those struggling with a receding hairline 
  • Those who want to fight the beginning stages of alopecia 

Your Nano-Fat Hair Restoration Consultation 

At PRP in Seattle, your provider will want to have an in-depth consultation with you before you begin treatment. During this consultation, the provider will ensure you can safely undergo the treatment and make sure it will be beneficial for your hair restoration needs. If you are completely bald, nano-fat hair restoration may not be the right choice for you. 

Once you are cleared to begin the treatment, your provider will begin the process. 

Nano-Fat Injection Process

The nano-fat injection process is relatively simple and only takes an hour or less to complete. The fat will be extracted through liposcution, filtered, and re-injected into the scalp as a concentrated stem-cell treatment. This process is quick, with minimal discomfort or downtime. 

Treatment Aftercare  

With nano-fat hair restoration, Seattle, the aftercare and recovery are minimal and relatively simple. Some will experience swelling and bruising for a few days after the treatment, but this should not last long. Most patients can return to normal activity directly after treatment, as long as it is easy on their scalp. 

However, patients should be careful with the sites of the liposuction incisions and may need to avoid exercise for a few days. At PRP in Seattle, your provider can give you more instructions on treatment aftercare. 

Contact Us

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    Frequently Asked Questions 

    Is Nano-Fat Hair Restoration Successful? 

    According to medical studies and clinical trials, nano-fat hair restoration is considered a effective and successful treatment for hair thinning and loss. Patients may expierence hair loss after a year or so, but keeping up with the treatments can offer the best results. 

    Will Fat Injections Affect The Shape Of My Scalp? 

    No, the nano-fat injections should not affect the shape of the scalp in any way. Because the injections contain small amounts of stem-cell optimized fat, it does not add volume or change the shape of the head. 

    Are There Side Effects? 

    Side effects are rare, but some patients may experience head itching, swelling, bruising, tightness, or tingling in their scalp. While most patients see these side effects subside in a few days, it can last longer for others. Talk to your provider if these side effects persist. 

    When Will I See My Results?

    Nano-fat hair restoration results are greatly dependent on the individual patient and their genetical makeup and lifestyle. Some studies show that many patients began to see results around the six month post treatmark, as their hair began to grow and increase in thickness. 

    Are The Results Permanent?

    While the results from nano-fat restoration can last for a long time, they may not always be permanent. They are great for fighting the effects of hair loss, but patients may still have hair loss later on. However, because of the stem cell components of these injections, it can be a permanent solution for some patients. 

    Finding Your Nano-Fat Hair Restoration Provider 

    PRP in Seattle strives to provide a personal and successful nano-fat hair restoration treatment for every patient. Our goal is to leave you feeling cared for, happy, and confident. Whether you want to increase volume, overcome hair loss, or strengthen hair follicles, PRP in Seattle is here to help

    To schedule a consultation at PRP In Seattle, call us at (206) 279-2112 or contact us online.

    PRP Hair Restoration Case #2

    This is a 36-year-old woman who desired a fuller hair line. I performed Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections throughout the hair line, which has gradually led to more fullness as seen here 3 months later.

    PRP Hair Restoration Case #3

    This is a 35-year-old male who on examination, he was losing hair in the frontal temporal, and crown. The results above are after 6 PRP with A-Cell treatments.

    PRP With ACell Case #3

    This woman was interested in treating the areas in which her hair was thinning. We successfully performed 6 hair PRP treatments with A-cell and she’s happy with the results she’s seen!

    PRP With ACell Case #4

    This is a 28 year old woman who was interested in treating the hair loss she has been experiencing. We successfully performed 6 hair PRP treatments with A-cell and have seen a significant change!

    PRP With ACell Case #5

    This is a 26-year-old male who had hair thinning in the occipital, crown parietal and temporal regions. The before and after are after 6 sessions of PRP with A-Cell treatment.

    PRP With ACell Case #6

    This is a 36 year old man who was interested in treating his thinning hair. We successfully performed 6 hair PRP treatments with A-cell and have seen a great change.

    PRP With ACell Case #7

    This 28-year old woman was interested in having hair PRP treatments to help the hair loss she had experienced. We successfully completed 6 PRP treatments with A-cell.

    PRP With ACell Case #8

    Patient is a 36-year-old male who came to us with concerns about hair loss. He elected for a series of PRP + ACell treatments over an 8 month period. Results show drastic improvement after 6 treatment sessions.

    PRP With ACell Case #9

    This patient was experiencing the early signs of female pattern baldness. Since she was young and the hair loss was mild, she started with non-surgical hair restoration. After 6 sessions of PRP with ACell injections the patient could not be happier with her results.