A Photo For A Blog Post About Benefits Of PRP Hair Restoration After Hair Transplant Surgery

Benefits Of PRP Hair Restoration After Hair Transplant Surgery

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP hair restoration is considered among the most effective non-surgical hair restoration techniques. Though, a less common, but especially lucrative use of PRP hair injections is after hair transplant surgery. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of PRP hair restoration after hair transplant surgery.

Immediately after a hair transplant, it will take some number of weeks or months to see new hair growth. Final results can take a year in some cases. However, studies have shown that if patients undergo platelet rich plasma injections after their surgery, they often see faster, thicker, and better hair growth following hair transplant surgery.

It can also prevent and slow any future hair loss that could occur. While patients usually do not see widespread hair loss following hair transplant, it can happen and even just yearly treatments of PRP hair restoration can help men and women keep their transplanted longer and healthier.

To learn more about the benefits of PRP hair restoration injections, schedule a consultation by calling 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is Microneedling With PRP Good For

What Is Microneedling With PRP Good For?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling with PRP is a procedure that supercharges your body’s healing processes to address skin concerns and conditions. It is one of the best and most effective treatments for all skin types and tones. It poses no risk of hyperpigmentation to skin of color, unlike many laser treatments and some chemical peels. But, what is microneedling with PRP good for?

Both microneedling and PRP take advantage of and stimulate the body’s healing processes. This causes the skin to renew and can even promote new collagen to form. This is perfect for addressing acne scars and other types of scars. It can also help smooth rough patches and dark spots. 

Microneedling with PRP is also a perfect treatment for reducing and preventing the signs of aging, especially fine lines and wrinkles. The body naturally begins to lose and produce less collagen with age. Microneedling with PRP can help make up with this and address the signs of aging associated with it. 

Overall, PRP microneedling is a versatile treatment that can treat nearly any skin concern. It is even safe for sensitive types. To schedule a free consultation with a master esthetician, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Can PRP Help A Receding Hairline

Can PRP Help A Receding Hairline?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

A receding hairline is one of the most relevant cosmetic concerns for men and some women. It can start sometimes as early as high school or college in those with a genetic predisposition. Most men will experience a receding hairline to an extent, but the severity and visibility of it will depend largely on their genetics and various other factors. Since there is little to do to stop a receding hairline, our patients often ask, “Can PRP help a receding hairline?”

The answer is yes, but the way it will help will be different for every individual. Though, most PRP experts agree that platelet rich plasma injected into the areas of loss can maintain the current position of your hairline and slow down the overall loss. Depending on how long ago you lost hair further up in your hairline, it may even result in some restoration. 

The hairline is a tricky area to restore non-surgically. While possible, patients will usually see the best results if they start treatment as quickly as they can once they notice their hairline receding. This will likely yield the best results.

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using our chat or contact forms.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Is PRP The Same As Stem Cells

Is PRP The Same As Stem Cells?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma and stem cells have many similarities. They are often used for the same procedures, such as non-surgical hair restoration. Considering they are both parts of regenerative medicine, patients sometimes ask, “Is PRP the same as stem cells?”

Platelet rich plasma and stem cells are not the same things. PRP is found in your blood and is vital to clotting. While always present in the blood, it elevates areas of trauma and healing. Therefore, when injected into a treatment area it produces collagen production and activates the body’s healing response.

Comparatively, stem cells come from bone marrow or fat. Unlike PRP where the patient’s own blood is drawn and the PRP isolated, the stem cells used for medical or cosmetic purposes usually come from various sources. A common one is donated human placenta. They are also part of the body’s healing process, but have the ability to become various specialized cells. This makes them especially effective for procedures such as hair restoration. 

To learn more and discuss your treatment options, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach us online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Does PRP Restore Facial Volume

Does PRP Restore Facial Volume?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma is a component found in blood that contributes to stimulating a healing response and collagen production following an injury. When isolated and re-injected, PRP can achieve the same response. This has a number of medical and cosmetic uses including hair restoration and filling in the under eyes. Since PRP injections can work as an alternative to under eye filler (albeit with results that typically are not immediate), many patients wonder, “Does PRP restore facial volume?”

The answer is yes, but it comes with some caveats. Platelet rich plasma is great for filling in small, more targeted areas, such as the under eyes or nasolabial folds. Though, currently, it is not potent enough to provide a major augmentation to the cheeks, lips, chin, etc. Therefore, in these cases, traditional fillers are preferred. 

Additionally, for patients who have experienced major facial fat loss due to aging or an autoimmune disorder, longer lasting options like Sculptra are likely preferred. That is not to say that PRP cannot provide any benefit to these patients. It can boost the effects of these products and also address smaller areas nearby for the best results. 

In short, yes, PRP does restore facial volume, but is most effective in smaller areas for the treatment of specific wrinkles or scars. Unlike traditional fillers, it also takes multiple sessions to see desired results, but they are often permanent or long lasting. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Who Are Good Candidates For PRP Hair Injections?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma is becoming one of the most utilized and sought after hair restoration treatments. It is especially helpful for men and women who are experiencing hair thinning but are not yet candidates for a hair transplant surgery. However, much like a surgical procedure, there are a small number of patients who are not good candidates for PRP hair restoration. Let’s take a look at the question, “Who are good candidates for PRP hair injections?” and if you may qualify.

First off, since platelet rich plasma injections are a non-surgical procedure, they have a much larger candidates pool than hair transplant surgery. Though, there are still situations and medical conditions that may hinder your ability to undergo PRP hair restoration. Looking at the more common reason patients are not good candidates: severity of hair loss. PRP hair restoration is best for people beginning to experience hair thinning or genetic hair loss. If you have lost large amounts of hair, are completely bald, or the hair loss is simply too severe, PRP is likely not the right solution for you.

Health concerns are a less common reason that patients may not qualify for PRP hair injections. Since the procedure consists of a blood draw and injections, most people can safely undergo this without a large amount of risk. However, if you have severe autoimmune disease or blood disorder, you may not be a candidate. If you take blood thinning medications or supplements, you may need to temporarily stop them. Though, this alone does not disqualify you from the treatment.

To find out if you are a good candidate for PRP hair injections, set up a consultation by calling 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Can You Stop DHT From Attacking Hair Follicles

Can You Stop DHT From Attacking Hair Follicles?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a male sex hormone that is essential for hair growth. This accounts for why those assigned males at birth tend to have more body hair. The hormone is present in both male and female people but exists in much higher levels in men. However, in certain people, DHT can begin to shrink hair follicles. This leads to what is referred to as genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness. So, can you stop DHT from attacking hair follicles?

The answer is not exactly. However, with various treatments and therapies, you can slow the effect that DHT has on hair follicles. Currently, there is no permanent reversal or treatment. One of the most effective therapies for people experiencing the early signs of male or female pattern baldness is PRP hair restoration

When a patient starts PRP hair restoration early enough, they can slow the progression of genetic hair loss. It helps repair damaged hair follicles to restore thinning hair. While PRP cannot permanently restore hair or reverse hair loss, it can help patients keep their hair longer.

Though, it is important to note that if a patient’s hair loss is too advanced, PRP hair restoration may not be as effective or provide the desired results. Your provider can determine whether platelet rich plasma is a viable option for your hair loss during a consultation. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About How Many Times A Year Can You Microneedle

How Many Times A Year Can You Microneedle?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Microneedling with platelet rich plasma is a medical grade skincare procedure that creates controlled damage to increase collagen production and rejuvenate the skin. This means that your skin needs time to heal after each treatment. Therefore, most patients cannot undergo the procedure on a weekly, or even bi-weekly basis. So, how many times a year can you microneedle?

Depending on each patient’s individual skin and goals, some may be able to undergo microneedling every two weeks to a month when they begin treatment. However, on average, patients will have microneedling with PRP sessions roughly every four to six weeks until they achieve the desired results. At that point, patients may only undergo microneedling two to four times a year.

If a patient has particularly sensitive skin, their master esthetician may recommend extending the amount of time between treatments to prevent further irritation. The best way to determine how many times a year you can microneedle is to consult with a master esthetician at PRP In Seattle about your skin goals. 

To schedule a free consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Does PRP Lift The Skin

Does PRP Lift Skin?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Platelet rich plasma is becoming a powerful tool in both the medical and cosmetic spheres. At PRP In Seattle, we focus primarily on cosmetic uses of platelet rich plasma such as in hair restoration and skin rejuvenation. A common question for people wanting to use PRP to improve their skin and for anti-aging purposes sometimes ask, “Does PRP lift skin?”

The best answer to this question is that it depends on the state of your skin. For patients with more advanced signs of aging that may benefit more from surgical correction, PRP is unlikely to provide the results they want. However, for patients just beginning to experience wrinkle formation and loss of skin elasticity, platelet rich plasma skincare may provide improvement and a slight lifting and plumping effect.

It should be noted that platelet rich plasma is not a permanent solution to lift the skin, but it does increase and induce collagen production. This collagen production can reduce the look of wrinkles, repair damaged skin, and prevent aging. Microneedling with PRP is the most effective procedure in this regard. When combining platelet rich plasma and microneedling, this is one of the best all around procedures for improving the look and quality of your skin. This can include addressing the early signs of aging. 

To schedule a free consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using our chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About PRP For The Under Eyes Is Safer Than Filler

PRP For The Under Eyes Is Safer Than Filler: Here’s Why

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

The under eyes are a frequently troublesome area that can contribute to aging and a tired appearance. Due to this, many patients seek out under eye filler to look younger, treat eye bags, and appear more awake. However, under filler does come with risks and is not suitable for all patients. Some injectors are not experienced or qualified to inject in this area. Luckily, platelet rich plasma offers an alternative. Let’s discuss why PRP for the under eyes is safer than filler. 

First, let’s look at the risks of dermal fillers. Hyaluronic acid fillers are the only suitable filler for the under eyes and are generally safe in the right hands. They also do offer nearly immediate noticeable results. However, dermal fillers can cause a complication known as occlusion where a blood vessel or artery becomes blocked. Usually, this can be caught and treated immediately without major issues. In the worst case scenario, blindness can occur.

Occlusion in general is exceptionally rare. And, the cases that do happen are treated almost immediately and tend to leave behind no major side effects. Though, it is a consideration to make when undergoing tear trough fillers. Additionally, under eye fillers, especially if using a thicker filler, can cause a blue tinge to the skin where the filler shows through. This is known as the Tyndall effect and happens because the skin under the eyes is thin and/or the filler was placed too superficially. 

PRP solves all of these problems and possible outcomes. While it does take longer to see results, PRP is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction, uses your body’s own healing process to improve your under eyes, and cannot cause occlusion or the Tyndall effect. Therefore, when considering rejuvenation of the under eyes, PRP is often the safest and best choice.

To schedule a consultation with an injector, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via contact form or chat.