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Do I Need To Stop Topical Hair Treatments After PRP Injections?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Do I Need To Stop Topical Hair Treatments After PRP Injections?

Topical hair loss treatments such as Minoxidil are available over-the-counter and via prescription. They are one of the easiest options to promote hair growth and often one of the first lines of treatment. However, if a patient undergoes platelet rich plasma injections for hair restoration, do they need to stop these treatments? The experts at PRP In Seattle answer the question, “Do I need to stop topical hair treatments after PRP injections?”

Immediately after treatment, you will need to cease the use of topical hair restoration treatments. This gives your scalp time to heal. It also may cause irritation or pain to apply topical treatments to the scalp too soon. However, after about one or two weeks, you can start applying it again. 

In fact, using topicals along with PRP injections often provides better results than either treatment alone. Just ensure that you do not start using Minoxidil too soon after an injection session. Our providers can also prescribe prescription strength hair restoration medications.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Does PRP Hair Restoration Work?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Fibrin, PRP Injections

Does PRP Hair Restoration Work?

Platelet rich plasma hair restoration is becoming one of the top non-surgical hair restoration procedures for people in the early stages of hair loss. It can even help people who have seen more significant loss, though it cannot substitute for a hair transplant, if necessary. Thus, it can be confusing to understand how and if PRP hair restoration works. Let’s take a deeper look at the question, “Does PRP hair restoration work?”

PRP hair restoration is a great option for patients who have not yet lost all of their hair and generally on the younger side. Some people—regardless of this—may still not see the desired results from adequate PRP treatment. However, this is rare and most people will see some noticeable results.

Platelet rich plasma helps repair the hair follicles damaged by hormones or other factors. This promotes more and better hair growth. While it cannot prevent these hair follicles from becoming damaged again, using other hair restoration methods and/or undergoing future touch-ups can help slow and prevent this. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Does PRP Work For Female Hair Loss?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair loss is a condition most often associated with men due to increased testosterone levels and genetic predisposition. However, women do also experience hair loss and thinning with age. It is often more subtle because it happens primarily on the top of the head along the part. Of course, medical conditions, genetics, and other factors all can cause worsened hair loss in women. So, does PRP work for female hair loss?

If hair loss in a woman is not yet extensive, platelet rich plasma can absolutely help slow the progression and restore hair. It works similarly to a PRP hair restoration treatment for men. Sometimes—depending on the reasons for the hair loss—other treatments may be recommended. Whether it be outside of the cosmetic realm or not, combining treatments does usually yield better results.

Hair loss in women can be especially stressful since women are often expected to have more hair and it becomes a larger part of a feminine identity. PRP is one option that allows women to slow hair loss and keep their natural hair longer.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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What Is Platelet Rich Fibrin?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Fibrin

What Is Platelet Rich Fibrin?

Platelet rich plasma has grown in popularity as both a medical and cosmetic treatment. However, recently, platelet rich fibrin has become a viable treatment for people with hair loss or other ailments that PRP often treats. What is platelet rich fibrin? Is it better than PRP? Our experts explain.

Fibrin is a protein found in blood that is vital to clotting. Therefore, when platelet rich fibrin is spun in a centrifuge a clot often forms. Unlike PRP, not anticoagulants are added to prevent this because it makes the treatment more effective at creating a scaffolding in the treatment area.

Like with platelet rich plasma, PRF is rich in platelets. However, it also contains a mixture of white blood cells and stem cells which further enhance the abilities of PRF treatment. Early studies have shown that PRF is more effective than PRP in most cases. Though, both remain highly effective.

PRF and PRP are extracted in the same way—via a blood draw—the difference coming in with the centrifuge spinning. Therefore, it is no more invasive than traditional PRP. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Can I Use Minoxidil After PRP?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair restoration can be a long and frustrating process. PRP hair restoration is one of the newest, non-surgical options for slowing hair loss and thinning. However, many patients have used or are using other hair restoration methods alongside PRP. Let’s look at one particular combination, “Can I use minoxidil after PRP?”

In most cases, it absolutely fine to use minoxidil after PRP hair restoration. Though, you should wait until you have healed. Usually, you can resume minoxidil use two to four weeks after your PRP hair injections. Combining treatments like this is often recommended for those who want to maintain their results as long as possible. 

Working together, these two hair regrowth methods can help you restore and maintain hair. While this is not necessarily true for all people, most experts agree that combining treatments is not only safe, but recomended in many cases. Discuss your goals and plans with your hair restoration experts and they will help craft a customized treatment plan.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat and contact form.

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How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed For Hair?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma hair injections are a growing hair restoration method. As a non-surgical way to slow the progression of hair loss and thinning, many men and women seek out the treatment before more invasive options such as a hair transplant. However, knowing that multiple sessions are needed, they often ask, “How many PRP sessions are needed for hair?”

Generally, when you start a PRP hair regimen, your provider will recommend beginning with a round of four treatment sessions. Following these sessions, they will gauge the necessity for subsequent sessions. Some may be perfectly happy after four sessions and only require occasional touch-ups.

On average, people undergo between six and eight PRP hair sessions. Though, this is dependent on several factors such as the amount of hair loss or thinning you are experiencing, your age, goals for treatment, and the results seen after treatment. Some people may see amazing results in three or four sessions while others may find better results from other hair restoration methods.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Is There A Proven Way To Grow Hair?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Hair loss is often exceedingly distressing and stressful for people who experience it, especially at a younger age. Therefore, many are willing to try various methods to grow their hair back and maintain it. A frequently asked question our PRP hair experts get is, “Is there a proven way to grow hair?”

Technically, no, no hair growth treatment, medication, or procedure is going to work for everyone. However, depending on the cause of hair loss, the extent of hair loss, and the age of the patient, there are hair restoration solutions with a good chance of working. Let’s look at some of the most effective hair restoration techniques.

PRP hair restoration is perfect for patients under 35 who are experiencing the earlier stages of genetic hair loss. It can slow the process and reverse some of the miniaturizations of the hair follicles. For older patients or those in more advanced stages, PRP may not be the best option. At a certain point, hair transplant surgery is the best option.

Hair loss medications are also effective for many patients. They can also be used alongside PRP hair restoration for the best results. To learn more about the right hair restoration method for you, schedule a consultation by calling 206-279-2112 or reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Why Is Hair Loss More Common Among Men?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Men and women both suffer hair loss for a variety of reasons. However, when it comes to age-related and genetic hair loss, men tend to have it much worse. Women can certainly experience genetic hair loss, but it is less common. So, why is hair loss more common among men?

The reason that genetic hair loss affects men more than women comes down to a testosterone-related hormone known as dihydrotestosterone. Men and women have this hormone, but it is in much higher levels in men. Having higher levels of DHT, or other genetic factors can cause the hormone to attack the hair follicles. This makes them smaller and damages them, which causes the hair to fall out and no hair to grow back in its place.

The hair follicles most susceptible to DNT are those along the front and top of the head. This is why a receding hairline and loss of hair on the top of the head are the hallmarks of male pattern baldness. And, thus, this is why hair from the side and back of the head–which are resistant or less susceptible to DHT–are used as donor hairs during a hair transplant.

PRP can also help reverse the damage and miniaturization of hair follicles to slow the process of genetic hair loss. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or online form.

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Is PRP Recommended After Hair Transplant?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma hair restoration is normally recommended for younger patients beginning to experience hair loss. However, it can be used in other circumstances such as helping restore hair following cancer treatment or for hairline restoration. Many surgeons are now performing PRP hair injections following hair transplants. Is PRP recommended after hair transplant?

Hair transplant surgery is often the last resort for cosmetic hair restoration. It can address larger areas of hair loss than any non-surgical method. However, it is not uncommon for doctors to recommend continuing non-surgical hair therapies such as medications, laser therapy, or PRP. 

In the case of PRP, it can help the healing in the area as well as repair damaged hair follicles. It can help hair come back quicker, thicker, and maintain the hair following surgery. While a hair transplant does last longer and has a lower chance of falling out, PRP prevents future hair loss following a transplantation procedure.

To learn more, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using chat or contact form.

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Does PRP Block DHT?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a reproductive hormone found in men and women. Though, it is more associated with men and found in higher levels in men. While DHT is actually vital for hair growth around the body, it can end up miniaturizing the hair follicles on the scalp and cause pattern baldness. Your DHT levels do not need to be elevated to this, it all depends on the receptors and genetics. So, since PRP is an effective hair loss treatment, does PRP block DHT?

Platelet rich plasma does not block the production of DHT, but rather reverses its effects of it. Since DHT miniaturizes the hair follicles, PRP restores them to their normal size. This process does take time and is ongoing, which is why most PRP patients benefit from yearly PRP injection sessions to maintain their results.

Inhibiting DHT altogether is not recommended for all patients, especially women. Therefore, PRP and other non-surgical hair restoration treatments offer an effective way to reverse and slow the effects of DHT hair loss.

To learn more about PRP hair restoration and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.