A Photo For A Blog Post About How Painful Is A PRP Injection

How Painful Is A PRP Injection?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma injections serve several purposes within the medical and cosmetic industries. Depending on the treatment a person undergoes, PRP injections can be painful, or at the very least, uncomfortable. When seeking a PRP procedure at PRP In Seattle, patients frequently asked, “How painful is a PRP injection?”

The answer depends on the type of injection and the treatment area. When performing a PRP hair restoration procedure, the scalp is usually numbed beforehand to limit discomfort. Though, you may still feel some mild pressure. Generally, the numbing is reapplied throughout the procedure and patients remain comfortable during PRP hair restoration. Soreness does sometimes occur afterward.

When injecting PRP under the eyes, or elsewhere on the face, topical numbing is applied. However, it can still cause mild pain. Usually, it is no more than a regular dermal filler injection. This is also a much quicker process and therefore any discomfort is brief. 

Cosmetic PRP does tend to be less painful than medical PRP. This is because medical PRP injections are often going deeper into the muscle or joint, which is much more uncomfortable when compared to the fairly superficial injections of PRP into the scalp or skin. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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How Do I Prepare For PRP Under Eye Injections?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Injections of platelet rich plasma under the eyes are an alternative to traditional dermal fillers. While they both involve under eye injections, PRP must first be extracted from the patient’s blood sample and spun in a centrifuge. Beyond this, PRP comes with fewer risks than dermal fillers and can contribute to longer lasting results. Patients who opt for this often ask, “How do I prepare for PRP under eye injections?”

First, like with dermal fillers, it is best to avoid medications and supplements that can thin the blood. This includes over-the-counter pain killers that contain ibuprofen or Aspirin. Others may include turmeric and white willow supplements. While not absolutely necessary, avoiding these medications and supplements for a few days before and after your injections can help reduce and prevent bruising.

Next, on the day of your procedure, make sure to eat well and drink plenty of water. This can prevent adverse reactions to a blood draw and injections in general. This often will keep you feeling at your best during and after the appointment.

Finally, make preparations ahead of time. Plan not to work out the day of the procedure and limit alcohol intake as well. Pre-planning helps ensure the best outcomes and the fewest and least severe side effects. To learn more, you can contact us online via chat or contact for or call us at 206-279-2112.

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Can You Combine RF Microneedling And PRP?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Platelet rich plasma is often combined with microneedling to provide better results and increase the quality of the skin. Other forms of microneedling, such as radiofrequency microneedling, provide the same results as traditional microneedling, but can also help tighten skin. Therefore, can you combine RF microneedling and PRP?

Yes, RF microneedling and PRP can complement each other. When applied during or after an RF microneedling session, PRP can help increase and improve the collagen response. Some worry that PRP after radiofrequency microneedling may cause extra irritation. This is unlikely since PRP comes from your own body and contains no added chemicals.

PRP can help soften the skin and reduce inflammation. They can also improve the overall quality of the skin. Platelet rich plasma can treat wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, skin tone, and skin texture. This makes it a great addition to RF microneedling to improve and supercharge the results.

To learn more and make an appointment, call us at 206-279-2112 or reach out online using chat or our contact form.

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Does PRP Block DHT?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a reproductive hormone found in men and women. Though, it is more associated with men and found in higher levels in men. While DHT is actually vital for hair growth around the body, it can end up miniaturizing the hair follicles on the scalp and cause pattern baldness. Your DHT levels do not need to be elevated to this, it all depends on the receptors and genetics. So, since PRP is an effective hair loss treatment, does PRP block DHT?

Platelet rich plasma does not block the production of DHT, but rather reverses its effects of it. Since DHT miniaturizes the hair follicles, PRP restores them to their normal size. This process does take time and is ongoing, which is why most PRP patients benefit from yearly PRP injection sessions to maintain their results.

Inhibiting DHT altogether is not recommended for all patients, especially women. Therefore, PRP and other non-surgical hair restoration treatments offer an effective way to reverse and slow the effects of DHT hair loss.

To learn more about PRP hair restoration and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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How Does PRP Aid Buttock Augmentation?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

The use of platelet rich plasma in both surgical and non-surgical applications has occurred for decades. In fact, plastic surgeons often used PRP to help heal incisions quicker and better. However, PRP has now become a mainstay in non-surgical cosmetic procedures, including non-surgical Brazilian butt lifts. How does PRP aid in buttock augmentation?

A traditional non-surgical BBL typically uses a collagen-stimulating dermal filler such as Sculptra to provide both immediate and future augmentation. This gradual growth and augmentation are similar to the process that PRP kickstarts when injected for various other purposes. Therefore, during a zombie BBL, PRP and Sculptra are combined to promote the ideal collagen production for buttock augmentation.

Our providers can take it a step further by using other growth factors such as placental cells or ACell to promote an even more dramatic augmentation. While less consistent and guaranteed that a BBL surgery, this non-surgical solution is great for those who do not have the fat to spare, or who only want a subtle buttock augmentation.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Can Microneedling With PRP Increase Facial Hair?

By | Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Skin Care

Platelet rich plasma, aka PRP, is frequently used to restore hair. However, at PRP In Seattle, we also use PRP during microneedling to improve skin quality. Hair loss does not just affect the top of the head. People can lose facial and eyebrow hair as well. Therefore, is microneedling with PRP a good treatment for this type of hair loss. Let’s take a deeper look into the question, “Can microneedling with PRP increase facial hair?”

In general, microneedling with PRP does not usually significantly increase facial hair production. Microneedling only reaches at most 2-3 millimeters into the skin. This is not enough to promote hair growth or repair the hair follicle. Though, it can improve the quality of the skin which is good for hair restoration. 

PRP hair restoration injections can be performed elsewhere. However, their effectiveness may wane depending on the cause of the hair loss. Surgical transplant in these areas is also possible. Your provider can discuss these possibilities with you during a consultation. 

With that said, PRP microneedling certainly does not harm facial hair regrowth. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

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Can PRP Make Your Hair Worse?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

Injections of platelet rich plasma are slowly becoming one of the most sought after hair restoration procedures. Though, many patients have questions about platelet rich plasma since many do not know much about it. Understandably, many have concerns as well. Let’s touch on a common one, “Can PRP make your hair worse?”

While it is possible for PRP injections to make hair worse, this is exceptionally unlikely and almost never heard of. It is more likely that they will have little to no effect. The injections, while they do perforate the skin, are no more invasive than any other needle prick you receive as part of a medical procedure. Therefore, this carries little risk of permanently damaging the scalp.

As mentioned, the most likely negative outcome is that PRP simply has no effect on hair regrowth. Though, studies have shown PRP to be at least as effective, if not more effective than already trusted hair growth agents like minoxidil. Your provider can discuss the specifics of PRP hair restoration during a consultation.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat and contact form.

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How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed For Dark Circles?

By | PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma injections have begun to be used as a replacement for fillers in some cases. The most popular use of PRP as a filler is under the eyes. The under eyes contain some of the thinnest skin on the face, making them tricky to filler with traditional fillers. Dermal fillers can create something called the Tyndall effect which creates a blueish tint beneath the skin. While avoidable, PRP does not have this same risk. Many interested patients then want to know, “How many PRP sessions are needed for dark circles?”

The number of sessions needed to see the desired results. Usually, our master injectors recommend starting with a series of three sessions. Many patients will begin to see results between their first and second sessions, though most will see results following all three sessions. 

Depending on your body’s healing and collagen response, some patients may need more than three sessions. However, it can take four to six weeks to notice the difference. Therefore, our injectors recommend waiting this amount of time between sessions and before choosing to undergo more.

To learn more about PRP injections for the under eyes, reach out via phone at 206-279-2112 or online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About Is PRP Better Than Minoxidil

Is PRP Better Than Minoxidil?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma

When it comes to non-surgical hair restoration options, one of the most well known is a medication known as minoxidil. Applied topically, it stimulates hair regrowth and can counteract pattern baldness. However, while minoxidil has been around for decades, PRP treatment for hair loss has only been commonly performed for about a decade. Is PRP better than minoxidil?

It depends on the person, extent of hair loss, and various other factors. For many people who have tried minoxidil and not found success, adding PRP injections or using them instead often will yield better results. Ultimately, our hair experts recommend trying multiple options to see what provides the best results.

While many people find great success with one method over the other, it is also possible to combine them. Combining PRP hair restoration and minoxidil treatment will often increase and positively influence the results of the other. It is not always necessary to use them together, however. Discuss what you have tried in the past and anything you currently use for hair restoration during your consultation appointment. 

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

A Photo For A Blog Post About How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed For Hair Growth

How Many PRP Sessions Are Needed For Hair Growth?

By | Hair Restoration, Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP Injections

Platelet rich plasma is becoming one of the most sought after and effective non-surgical hair restoration methods available. PRP hair restoration involves injections of platelet rich plasma into the scalp to induce collagen production, healing, and ultimately hair regrowth. Rarely, patients see the results they want after one round of injections. How many PRP sessions are needed for hair growth?

On average, patients begin to see hair regrowth after their second or third session. This is because platelet rich plasma induces the body’s healing process. The healing process needs time to work, which is why it often takes so long to see the first results. Beyond that, patients tend to see more substantial results in four to six treatments.

The number of sessions necessary will vary from patient to patient. Some may see hair growth following the first session, while others may take more sessions to see results. It is also recommended that patients have yearly touch-up sessions. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.