Platelet Rich PlasmaPRP Skin Care

The Risk Of Doing Microneedling With PRP Too Often

Microneedling with PRP is a professional, medical grade skincare treatment that is unreplicable at home. Performed by our experienced and qualified master estheticians, patients can undergo them multiple times per year. However, unlike other facial treatments, they cannot be performed too much. Our master estheticians explain the risk of doing microneedling with PRP too often.

Following a microneedling procedure, your master esthetician has created thousands of microscopic holes in the treatment area. While not visible, these controlled injuries need time to heal. If you undergo another microneedling treatment too soon afterward, this can create more extensive damage which could hinder results and even permanently injure the skin.

Too frequent microneedling with PRP treatments may also dry out and irritate the skin. After microneedling, the skin is often red, sometimes for a few days. This irritation can become more severe and last longer, if not allowed to properly heal. While this may not necessarily injure the skin, it can be extremely uncomfortable and make it difficult to do skincare or apply makeup. 

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-279-2112. You can also reach out online using chat or our contact form.

Dr. Jonov is a specialist in cosmetic surgery, focusing on procedures for the face, breast, and body at PRP in Seattle Seattle.